This text consists of a number of summaries and quotes.
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Dying and grieving processes
Pain relief
Unprocessed psychological and emotional trauma
Reducing psychological stress, tension
Headache / migraine complaints
Increasing listening skills and concentration
In case of hypersensitivity to stimuli.
Voice problems
People who have trouble expressing themselves.
The ear does not discriminate: it is able to register countless sounds at the same time, it builds bridges between past and future.
In the ear everything comes together in the Present.
According to the Tibetans, hearing remains active for 40 days after death and faith healers can direct the deceased to the light.
Hearing plays an important role in traveling up and down between the earth and the subtle spheres of life and other dimensions. In this way souls can consciously process certain experiences with words and sounds from the earthly sphere and release them more deeply.
Patients who have been in a coma report that they were unable to respond to questions and words from others, but were able to hear everything. Much research has been done into the awareness of dying people and those with near death experiences and the experiences they relate to.
It would be a good achievement if this information is more and more passed on to doctors and nurses and everyone who accompany the dying. Although a dying person may seem unapproachable and far away to the eye, the hearing increases in intensity.
Noises in the hospital corridor can be very disturbing. It is therefore not necessary to speak loudly and, for example, explain a nursing procedure in a loud voice in order to establish contact.
There is a form of contact: more than we realize.